RE Registration 23-24

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Q. Why do we ask for a photo release?
A. For privacy and safety reasons. For example, families who have exited a domestic abuse situation may not wish to publicize where and when they can be found.

Q. Why do we ask for each child's date of birth?
A. For several reasons! First, grade level is not necessarily a helpful metric, as some children are homeschooled or in a different grade than their same-aged friends. Second, Breeze, our church database, will automatically update your child's age in the system if we have the DOB, which makes program planning over the summer much easier. Lastly we send birthday cards to all children in our program!

Q. Why are you asking for everyone's pronouns?
A. We are an LGBTQIA+ welcoming congregation, and using people's preferred pronouns is one way we extend this welcome.
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Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Would you like to meet with Sarah Cannon, our Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration? Use this Calendly link to schedule. Sarah is happy to call, Zoom, grab coffee/tea, or walk and talk along the Monon Trail.


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